Friday, June 15, 2007

Golf lessons

Missed Thursday, quick update today.

Monty by Jim Meddick

I don't always talk about myself here. I'm a rare blogger who doesn't feel it's important to tell you what he had for lunch, or how much corn chips cost at his work's vending machine. (They just went up to 90 cents!) But I will tell you that I've started taking golf lessons at the neighborhood community college. I figure only this way will I ever understand half the jokes on the comics page.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    90 cents?! That's insane!

  2. I don't understand golf talk either, but when someone says they lost 2 balls and 3 woods,
    to me that sound a little perverted.

  3. Ashebrethafe7:30 AM

    They didn't lose 3 woods, they lost their 3-wood (a club they use for shorter drives than their 1-wood).
