Nutter Fort

Is my job here done? We follow up Tuesday's shut out with one lone silent penultimate panel.
Zits by Jerry Scott and Rick Borgman
You can't quite see it here, but Jeremy's dad's t-shirt is different in the third panel.

In panels one and four, it says "Nutter Fort." In the third, it says "West Virginia."
Some years ago I would have been bothered by this for days. Was it a mistake? Was it something clever? What does it mean?
But now, I just need two seconds with Google. Nutter Fort is a city in West Virginia. According to, trick or treat will be held from 6pm to 7pm on October 31, after which the Nutter Fort Fire Department and members of the Nutter Fort Town Council will have a party. "Pizza, chips, cookies, and drinks will be available. Prizes will be given out for various costume categories." Right now, a Nutter Fort child is cutting up garbage bags and cardboard boxes, day-dreaming about shaking hands with a real live Nutter Fort Town council member, receiving first prize in a various category.
But why the shout-out to the town of "Progress with a small town atmosphere?" I'm still not sure, it is probably just a nod to a fan or an inside joke of some sort.
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Hi! I love your blog, by the way. Great stuff! I'm a simple Mom and wife originally from West Virginia (now in Chicagoland), and this story about Zits got out fast with family and friends through various forms of communication.
Nutter Fort is the town where one of Borgman's friends came from. It's a tribute to his friend, Tom DeVoge, a psychologist who tells stories well. The conversation in Zits is an actual conversation that DeVoge had with his Son. So Borgman stated: "I just slipped that in as a little nod to Tom."
I just wanted to pass the info.
Also, keep up the great posts! I read your stuff often, I just haven't ever commented because I'm a reserved Mother of three!
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