Friday, October 13, 2006

The streak is broken

Three today, but not the one that we wanted:

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau
Frazz by Jef Mallett
Piranha Club by Bud Grace

Non Sequitur breaks it streak. The barkeater award goes back in storage.

The Meaning of Lila, 10/12 and Six Chix, 10/13:

YouTube joke freshness will expire in three...two... one.

Okay, time to move on.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Four for four

Oh, this is exciting:

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller
Sally Forth by Francesco Marciuliano and Craig Macintosh

That means this week Wiley Miler has used a silent penultimate panel on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Can he do Friday? If so, it will be only the third recorded barkeater in history. Non Sequitur would join the esteemed company of Barkeater Lake and Overboard as the only strips to haved used five daily SPPs in a row. I just can't wait for tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Family Circus

Four more today,

Candorville by Darrin Bell
Nancy by Guy and Brad Gilchrist
Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller
Sally Forth by Francesco Marciuliano and Craig Macintosh

That is three for three this week for Non Sequitur. Wiley Miller has done three in a row numerous times, but has yet to make it four. Tune in tomorrow.

At least fifty percent of the gags in The Family Circus are based on children mispronouncing things. But all of a sudden Billy is punning with the verbal agility of a Marx Brother.

Or maybe more like a Marx second cousin, twice removed. By marriage.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wiley, Wiley

Just two today, and the second one might not count.

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller
Red and Rover by Brian Basset

Wiley, Wiley, Wiley. You drop by here simply much too often.

Red and Rover's is not a classic SPP, but the rhythm is awkward enough that we decided to include it.

It can be so hard to squeeze in needed exposition into the two to three panels of a daily serial strip. Third person captions can get dull if used too often, so what's a good solution?

Have your character tell everything that's going on to a pet bear.

Monday, October 09, 2006

A few random thoughts

Four silent penultimate panels for this Monday:

Betty by Delainey and Rasmussen
Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller
Piranha Club by Bud Grace
Prickly City by Scott Stantis

The solicit-your-readers-for-help trend continues with today's Flying McCoys.

Good luck getting something funny out of that. Cartoonists, if you can't think of a good punchline for one of your sketches, then, well, that's what trash cans are for.

Today's Lio:

In the past few months, Lio has become one of my favorites. And I love that Mark Tatulli is able to make an irreverent gag at the expense of one of daily comic's sacred cows.

The definition of the phrase "pure awesomeness" has been re-written by today's Rex Morgan.

And I will have no follow up to my Mac comments from yesterday. The truth is, I really don't know what I'm talking about, and the only reason I use Linux is because I'm cheap.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Our typical bountiful Sunday. What better way to fill up all that Sunday space than a useless SPP?

Cathy by Cathy Guisewite
Cow and Boy by Mark Leiknes
Frazz by Jef Mallett
On the FastTrack by Bill Holbrook
Sherman's Lagoon by Jim Toomey

If there's one thing I can't stand (and there isn't, there is actually about a million)

it is Mac user smugness. Allow me to look down on you with my own home-built, Linux user smugness. You have been fooled by clever marketing into thinking that your purchase of over-priced proprietary hardware and software is some sort of statement of individuality. Of course, that expensive stuff does work wonderfully with little hassle, but still, buying it does not make you special.

And now, the ugliest use of color ever on the Sunday comics page:

I've seen toilet stains prettier than this.