It's April in August

Three silent penultimate panels today--and all from the old guard.
Blondie under the direction of Dean Young
Garfiled by PAWS, INC.
Momma by Mel Lazarus
What is amazing is that out of these three strips, Blondie is the one with the most freshness and humor.
Just as I watch the daily comics for cliches and needless repetition, I try to keep an eye on myself for the same. So I've tried to lay off Mallard Fillmore for a week. And I almost made it.

Wait, what month is it? April is the time for IRS jokes, not the middle of August. Now is the time for gags about family camping trips, using too much lighter fluid and going back to school. Come on, right now you should be telling kids that if they try to pray when they go back to school, liberals will kill and eat them. I know you may have come up with so many good IRS gags that you couldn't fit them all in before tax day, but save them so you can make next April one to remember.